R&D and production of electronic devices
Selective soldering + SMT

R&D and production of electronic devices
Selective soldering + SMT

We manufacture electronic devices. We also provide integrated and comprehensive design services in accordance with the needs and expectations of customers. Our own R & D department provides full control over the process of creating, implementing, producing and developing products. Even the most difficult applications are always assembled automatically.


In THT assembly, we use only selective soldering technology (machine assembly – automatic). This technology makes it possible to solder through-hole elements on both sides of the PCB, maintaining appropriate (selective) soldering time for each type of element. Selective soldering provides the right temperature parameters for each type of connection; elements with a large thermal capacity (power elements) are soldered longer (ensuring no cold solder), while sensitive elements with low heat capacity, are soldered quicker (which extends the life of the element). Selective soldering technology also reduces PCB dimensions by up to 30%, which reduces production costs (smaller PCB, smaller – compact housing, smaller packaging, lower distribution costs).


We have a complete production line for SMT soldering.

OEM Services


For over a dozen years, we have been cooperating with clients from Poland and Germany, producing and supplying complete high quality electronic systems, including solar systems, heating systems and heat pumps.

We offer comprehensive OEM services staring at the device concept and design and finishing with shipment of the finished product:

– product / device concept

– design

– prototyping

– testing

– production in SMT technology and THT Selective Soldering (automatic)

– integration of a complete device (housing, wiring, etc.)

– integration of Hardware and Software

– labeling / branding

– packing

– shipping to the chosen address


The logo and name visible on the product will be in accordance with your guidelines. In addition to the placement of chosen markings, it is also possible to brand all the other elements and packaging and including the operating manual.

Preliminary wiring

Thanks to the preliminary wiring of electronic devices, integration with other components will be as simple as possible. This solution is more efficient, and also saves time and reduces costs.


The finished product can be additionally equipped with a plug & play solution, suitably configured according to your guidelines. We are able to implement parameterization for a series of products or individual devices.

Software and tests

At every stage of production (from the moment of delivery of electronic components to the finished product, we use quality control systems). We can also equip the basic product with the hardware and software specified by you.

Product shipment

After thorough testing of the product, we secure it and pack it, and then send it to the address indicated.


The logo and name visible on the product will be in accordance with your guidelines. In addition to the placement of chosen markings, it is also possible to brand all the other elements and packaging and including the operating manual.

Preliminary wiring

Thanks to the preliminary wiring of electronic devices, integration with other components will be as simple as possible. This solution is more efficient, and also saves time and reduces costs.


The finished product can be additionally equipped with a plug & play solution, suitably configured according to your guidelines. We are able to implement parameterization for a series of products or individual devices.

Software and tests

At every stage of production (from the moment of delivery of electronic components to the finished product, we use quality control systems). We can also equip the basic product with the hardware and software specified by you.

Product shipment

After thorough testing of the product, we secure it and pack it, and then send it to the address indicated.

Contact us

+48 (56) 686 70 87
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Projekt finansowany w ramach konkursu „RPKP.01.06.02 Dotacje dla innowacyjnych MŚP" „Wdrożenie innowacji procesowej w firmie SILVA MIKROELEKTRONIC HOLDING” Jest nam miło poinformować, że projekt SILVA MIKROELEKTRONIC HOLDING został dofinansowany w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego na lata 2014-2020 – Oś priorytetowa „Wzmocnienie innowacyjności i konkurencyjności gospodarki regionu”; Działanie „Wspieranie tworzenia i rozszerzania zaawansowanych zdolności w zakresie rozwoju produktów i usług”.

  • Numer projektu: RPKP.01.06.02-04-0148/19
  • Wartość projektu: 1.327.960,89 złotych
  • Dofinansowanie projektu: 499.982,50 złotych