We are a producer and supplier of high quality controllers for heating, solar and hot water systems, pump groups and accessories necessary in every installation. From the very beginning, we aim at continuous development to meet the expectations of our clients and to be able to offer a wide range of advanced products. Thanks to many years of industry experience, we offer complete solutions that guarantee the highest comfort of use with lower energy consumption.
We have our own design, development and research departments, which in addition to the production of automation and hydraulics, allowed us to successfully provide EMS and OEM services for many years. In production, we use modern technology of selective soldering with the Ersa Ecoselekt 350 machine, which made it possible to connect the through-hole elements on both sides of the PCB, while maintaining the appropriate soldering time. As a result, our products have no flaws in the form of soldering errors and have a longer service life.
Silva’s mission is to provide ready-made solutions that are not only functional but also environmentally friendly. Our heating installations, operating on fossil fuels, allow to significantly reduce energy consumption thanks to modern technology and automation of system management. In addition to installations based on conventional energy sources, we also offer automation and hydraulics dedicated to renewable sources, i.e. solar and geothermal energy as well as biomass. We have also created our own photovoltaic farm that produces 1 MW of energy.
Projekt finansowany w ramach konkursu „RPKP.01.06.02 Dotacje dla innowacyjnych MŚP" „Wdrożenie innowacji procesowej w firmie SILVA MIKROELEKTRONIC HOLDING” Jest nam miło poinformować, że projekt SILVA MIKROELEKTRONIC HOLDING został dofinansowany w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego na lata 2014-2020 – Oś priorytetowa „Wzmocnienie innowacyjności i konkurencyjności gospodarki regionu”; Działanie „Wspieranie tworzenia i rozszerzania zaawansowanych zdolności w zakresie rozwoju produktów i usług”.